Could this be us in a year?

Could it be? Could winter really be done? One of our friends, JK, came up to visit from DC and told us that it was freezing. But hey, it hit 70 degrees the other day!!! Have U gotten soft already? It hasn't even been a year since you've left!
I don't know what she's talking about. She mentioned something about cherry blossoms. I can't believe she's from Boston.
I was walking out of the house the other day and low and behold, our neighbors are moving out.
And I just thought to will be us in just another year. Hard to believe, eh?
In other news, I just signed my first contract for a REAL job (Background music: Money, money, money....Apprentice theme song). Y'know, one that pays more than minimum wage. I signed it and handed it in. It was wierd. I just said to our chairman's secretary, "Is that it?" She says to me, "Yup, it's official!" And then she just laughed and laughed...and laughed (at me), shook my hand, and welcomed me to the family.
So, I guess it's official, we're staying another year in "our fair city." Any of you NPR lovers know where that line is from? Here's a hint: Anyone who can give me the answer to this "puzzler" will get a fine product from our "Shameless Commerce" division. Click here for the answer.
I gotta go to sleep. I've got more to write, but... yeah gotta sleep.
this is perfect, Chris. i need recommendations for movers so now i will have to call the brookline moving company. i don't want to hear about the two of you and moving in a year. DON'T want to hear about it.
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